The purpose of the NYSATA Hall of Fame is to honor those individuals who have worked or are working in the State of New York and have made significant contributions to the profession of athletic training.
Nomination Process
1) Nominations may be made by any certified NYSATA Member
2) Nominations are to be sent directly to the Chairperson of the NYSATA Hall of Fame Committee. An official nomination should consist of a typed letter of recommendation which should include a brief summary of the individual’s qualification for the award.
3) The Hall of Fame Committee Chairperson will forward a detailed biography form to the nominated candidate for completion. If the nominee is deceased, information will be acquired from reliable sources.
4) The Hall of Fame Committee will review nominations once all information has been received.
5) The Hall of Fame Committee will submit the names of the selected Individual(s) to the NYSATA Executive Council for final approval.
Criteria for Nomination
1) A minimum of 15 years as a certified member of the National Athletic Trainer’s Association, with at least 10 of those years being served in New York State.
2) Contributions to the profession of athletic training in the State of New York:
Involvement in NYSATA
Empire State Games
Promotional activities in the community
Presentations and public appearances
3) High Profile position in New York State, perhaps not allowing for involvement in above (#2), but in a position to be a professional role model for other athletic trainers; or having made significant contributions professionally in other available avenues.
4) Additional Considerations:
Involvement at the district and the national level
Research/Educational Accomplishments
Nomination period opens September 1 and all materials are due by November 1.