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Congratulations to NYSATA
on passing
Licensure Bills A219A and S942A


This is a big deal! Athletic training will be a licensed profession! Your Governmental Affairs committee worked for over a decade to see this through. They also understand you may have some questions and have drafted answers to many anticipated questions. If you read through them and don’t see the question/answer you are looking for, we have a query via Google Forms at the bottom and you can ask your specific question.

NY AT Licensure & Scope of Practice Update

Frequently Asked Questions


Click Here to view as a PDF


You might have questions about how the licensure bill will affect ATs in NYS. The following are interim answers however, NYSED will have more info after completing Rules and Regulations.


When does the AT law take effect; when can I call myself a licensed AT?

  • The law is not enacted until 2 years after it has been signed by the Governor. So enactment will start December 22, 2025.


I am a NYS certified AT with a current NYSED certification, do I need to do anything?

  • Those ATs who are certified by NYSED at the time of enactment (December 22, 2025) will be “grandparented” into a licensed AT under NYSED. All you need to do is make sure your certification is maintained when we transition.


What if I am not currently a NYSED certified athletic trainer?

  • We encourage you to immediately begin the application process to become NYSED certified so that when the transition occurs in December 2025, you can be directly grandparented into licensure.


I was a previously certified AT in NYS but my NYSED certification has expired, do I need to start over?

  • You can contact NYSED but we believe you would need to initiate the application process with NYSED. We recommend you do this prior to the grandparenting transition.


Do I need to pay a fee to be transitioned from a NY certified AT to a NY licensed AT?

  • There is no fee at the time of transition, December 22, 2025

  • When you renew your NYSED license, after the transition, you will pay a fee that is slightly higher than the certification fee, but this is because it also includes the continuing education [aspect].


What if I live outside of the state, but work in New York State?

  • You should apply for NYSED certification now, if you are not already NYSED certified.

  • If you are already NYSED certified and you maintain it, then you will be transitioned automatically to NYSED license


What is the Standard Written Protocol (SWP)?

  • The SWP is a document created by you and your supervising physician to provide guidance for situations and conditions; it is not a cookbook.

  • The SWP is collaboratively written, reviewed annually, and is signed by the AT(s) and the physician(s)

  • NYSATA will provide workshops on creating a Standard Written Protocol prior to the law enactment


What if I am working per diem?

  • There is no difference. You still need a supervising physician, still need a standard written protocol, and still need to follow the same rules for referral.


What are the new rules for referring to a physician?

  • An athletic trainer shall make a written or oral referral to a physician of any individual being treated for an orthopedic athletic injury whose symptoms have not improved for a period of four days from the day of onset.

  • An individual treated for an orthopedic athletic injury by an athletic trainer in a healthcare organization or a physician's private practice shall receive a medical evaluation or reevaluation if treatment by the athletic trainer exceeds two weeks


How will I attain continuing education?

  • Mandatory continuing education requirements will be 45 hours every 3 years.

  • This requirement begins 5 years after the bill was signed (begins Dec 2028).

  • Several organizations have agreed to become NYS Approved Providers (such as NYSATA, EATA, and NATA).

  • If you are maintaining your BOC certification, you can use the same credits from these organizations towards your NYSED license continuing education.


Will I need to show proof of my continuing education?

  • Likely you will check a box on your renewal form indicating you have met the requirement

  • NYSED requires that you keep all CEU documentation in case of audit

  • Proof of meeting continuing education requirements won’t start until three (3) years post enactment (Dec 2028)


Who is eligible for a Limited Permit?

  • An applicant who meets all qualifications for licensure, but has not yet taken the BOC exam, [or did not pass the BOC exam the first time], may apply for a limited permit (and pay a fee)

  • Limited permits are valid for one year


What does it mean to be a child abuse reporter?

  • In addition to all the other licensure requirements, an AT must complete two hours of coursework on the identification and reporting of child abuse and maltreatment.

  • NYSATA will be providing the necessary training to all NYSATA ATs.

  • The coursework or training shall include information regarding the physical and behavioral indicators of child abuse and maltreatment and the statutory reporting requirements


What infection control practices will be required?

  • In addition to all the other licensure requirements, an AT must complete two hours of coursework on infection control and prevention. .

  • NYSATA will be providing the necessary training to all NYSATA ATs.

  • Training will relate to infection control, such as sepsis, and barrier precautions, including engineering and work practice controls, including prevention of the transmission of HIV, HBV, HCV and infections that could lead to sepsis in the course of professional practice.



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ga faq

The NYSATA Governmental Affairs committee is responsible for overseeing all legislative activity within New York State relating to Athletic Training – they recently achieved the goals of passing Assembly bill A219A and Senate bill S942A which updated the practice act and gained licensure. 


Other ways they continue to work to advance the profession includes: 

  • Promoting the passage of a Chapter Amendment for language adjustment in our practice act, passage of a traveling AT bill, and a CPR bill (which is for youth coaches).

  • Monitoring bills on the state and national levels that involve Athletic Training, as well as monitoring trends and efforts within the profession

  • Organizing and carrying out lobbying efforts in the State, as well as contributing to national lobbying efforts

  • Working with other NYSATA committees (i.e. Public Relations) to disseminate pertinent information to members

  • Collaborating with the NATA and other states to help in meeting these missions

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