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Concussion Management
​Resources To Assist Schools In Complying With The NYS Concussion Management and Awareness Act

For more concussion information from the NYS Public High School Athletic Association, please go to the NYSPHSAA Safety & Research webpage



Continuing Education for Concussion to satisfy the NYSED Guidelines for Concussion Management:

Instructional training will be mandatory for all physical education teachers, coaches, assistant coaches, athletic trainers and school nurses.


Click here for the training for coaches and physical education teachers that will satisfy the requirement by completing the NYS Education Department approved online training course from the CDC.


Click here for the training for athletic trainers and school nurses that will satisfy the requirement by completing the NYS Education Department approved online training course from preventing concussion.


At the completion of each course the registrant will obtain a certificate of completion that will be placed in their permanent file. The certificate will be renewed biennially.


NYSED Guidelines for Concussion Management 2023


PLEASE NOTE:  The Guidelines for Concussion Management in the School Setting are guidelines for Secondary Schools in NYS.  These guidelines for return to school and certain activities apply to all public school students who have sustained a concussion.  Private schools have the option of adopting such policies. As stated, these guidelines are for public schools in NYS. Colleges and universities will continue to follow NCAA Concussion Guidelines.


The Secondary Education Committee for NYSATA is making itself available to individuals and school districts that need assistance in meeting the expectations of the NYS Concussion Management and Awareness Act and the Rules and Regulations and Guidelines for Concussion Management that go along with them.  Please contact the individual that corresponds with your local section.


Find your Local NYSATA Secondary Education Committee Member



Concussion Information & Sample Documents:**
If you need example templates for any of the documents required for the NYSED Guidelines, these downloadable templates have been provided for your convenience.



General Concussion Information







Post-Injury Management



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